Spring Favorites: Beauty Edition

Hello, darling readers!

I feel like I should take this time to catch up with you for a moment. How have you been? It’s been entirely too long since I posted (chalk it up to being a full time student, working every day this week and planning my wedding). I have a lot of posts coming your way, though, so be prepared. If you like my outfit of the week posts, get stoked because I’ve got one of those coming to you, another fitness update (it’s a work in progress..my fitness, that is), and plenty more! I only wish I had more time in the day to do everything I want to!

BUT GETTING BACK TO THIS POST since this is why I wrote it:

Now that Valentine’s Day has wound down, it’s time to talk about what’s really exciting. SPRING!!! Spring is just about here (well I mean..it’s still snowing in Idaho but most everywhere else is springy) and that means 3 things: pastel colors, pretty flowers and my wedding. Bring it on, spring 2016. Continue reading

Outfit of the Week: Comfy & Cozy.

Happy Tuesday, All! I hope you enjoyed Hayley’s post yesterday. She really is such a gem. I can’t wait for her to do some more posts for Blonde and Ambitious!!

Today, I am showcasing an outfit from Details Boutique. It is absolutely one that I will be adding to my closet. When I was collaborating with Michelle from Details, we tried to pick out outfits that were going to be easily accessible to you, and can be worn by just about anyone. I have a widely ranged audience of readers, and I want to show you things that all of you will be able to recreate and wear yourselves!!

With that being said, I am excited to show you this outfit! It is a new favorite of mine and can be personalized and embellished to fit your personality.  Continue reading

Fit Made Easy: Fitness Life Hacks.

Hey y’all!

Does that sound a little out of the ordinary? It certainly should because this is Hayley writing to you from Project Hay! I’ve had the wonderful privilege of getting to know Taylor these past few weeks while we’ve been setting this up for you guys and, let me just tell ya, I totally know why you all love her! She has such a down-to-earth, genuine and beautiful soul and her blog is so addicting to read and easy to love! I sorta feel like I’m a guest star on some random talk show and I’m completely loving it! Anyways, I’m here today to present some of my top life hacks (that I actually use) when maintaining my health and fitness. I’m sure that it’ll be a blast and please, please make sure to check out my blog for other fitness and lifestyle-related posts. With all that being said, let’s dive in! (Read more about Hayley’s Fitness Hacks…) Continue reading

Jewelry Organization in Three Steps.

You most likely woke up this morning thinking — “oh wow I really hope that Blonde and Ambitious Blog does a post on organizing my jewelry because I am a hot mess and could really use some help”. Understandable. But because I like to grant wishes: I did, in fact, write a post about organizing your jewelry because I, like you, am often a hot mess. Probably more so.

So without further ado:


Jewelry can often times be a serious pain to organize. Necklaces have this really cute tendency to tangle themselves up in drawers or in boxes. I love when they do that 🙂 Earrings get lost, and then you only end up with one half of a pair (lovely, I know) or you lose the backs and then you can’t wear them and it’s AWESOME and so much fun. Eventually you say, “screw it I didn’t even like jewelry” and forgo it completely. been there, done that… Continue reading

Outfit of the Week: Date Night.

Hello, my lovely readers! Today’s outfit of the week choice is perfect for date night. It is fun, flirty and feminine. It is perfect for transitioning into the month of pinks and reds and love (and fingers crossed…spring!)


Idaho is SO SNOWY this time of year. And freezing. So this was a little on the chilly side without a jacket (but I just really wanted to show it to you guys…especially since a lot of you don’t live in places that regularly reach about-40 on a daily basis). I actually wore this skirt in my engagement pictures so I love it even more, obviously. Continue reading

Mascara & Eyeliner: Drugstore Edition.

So, for my ladies out there who just don’t have the cash to spend on $28 mascara and eyeliner (which is 100% understandable), I have put together a list of my most favorite drugstore eyeliners and mascara. In my opinion, they work just as well as anything you could buy at Sephora with a hefty price tag. In all of these products, I use Black or Very Black. Continue reading

Ankle Boots: 4 Ways to Wear Them.

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First and foremost: I need to give a shoutout to two of my best friends, Jordan and Brooke, for standing outside with me and taking my picture and dressing up in outfits in the freezing cold and generally being two of the most perfect people in the entire world. Now that that is out of the way…

Ankle boots are like a hidden gem of the fashion world. Everyone knows about them. Everyone probably even owns a pair. But learning how to style them is a different matter. I had the most adorable pair of booties sitting in my closet for a solid year and I only wore them one way. Ripped jeans, oversized sweater…thats it. I mean it was TOTALLY cute. It really really was. But lemme tell you, that got old, fast. I got tired of wearing them like that so then I just stopped wearing them. Continue reading