Hairstyle Hacks: 5 Easy Styles

Picture this: you wake up tomorrow morning, and go to do your hair and it just literally won’t. Just will not. Like. You grew these hair strands yourself and they have the audacity to tell you “sorry, I’m going to take the day off”. It’s just rude.

So what do you do about it? Walk around looking like a fool? Ya right. You look at the 5 easy styles I’ve put together for you that take less than 10 minutes to do and then you walk out the door like the boss you are.  Continue reading

High vs Low Quality: When To Spend.

Hello ladies! I decided to start off this Monday with something I’ve been sitting on for a while. What items should you splurge on and what items can you save on? That is the million dollar question. Who has the time and money to spend on discovering this out for themselves? Lucky for you, I did the research for you and I have the answers your looking for!

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I have put together a list of items for “splurging” and a list of items for “saving”. I am all for the phrase “quality over quantity” and really think that if you have a few key splurge pieces, then you can get trendy save pieces each season and your closet will be classic and well suited to your style all year round! Ready to dive into this? Okay. Continue reading

Defining Your Personal Decorating Style.

A week or two ago, I was at the store get things to decorate my little apartment when I stopped and realized I had no idea what my personal decorating style was and if it correlated to what my husband’s was (while he doesn’t like to spend hours at the craft store — rude, I know — he does have a small idea of how he would like our home decorated, and I would like us both to be happy). We are living in a tiny one bedroom apartment right now while we finish school, so we haven’t done too much decorating (especially since we aren’t allowed to put holes in the wall). I am hoping when we graduate and can get a little bit bigger apartment, we will be able to take the style we developed together and really put together a beautiful home. Continue reading

Makeup Tutorial: Everyday Makeup.

Hello, lovely ladies! Today I am going to be doing a “get ready with me” tutorial for you guys on my everyday makeup routine. I am going to show you the items I use, how I use them and where you can find them!

I plan on doing some more fun makeup tutorials but for now, I thought I would start with the basics. This is my go-to makeup routine and it is very easy. I’m by no means a makeup artist, but nobody who reads my blog is a makeup artist (unless, obviously, you are..then I am super jealous of you). Sometimes it can be hard to copy MUA tutorials when you don’t have all the right products and 600 brushes. I only use a handful of brushes and most of my products are easy to find or at least easy to duplicate (check out this list of mascara and eyeliner dupes here I wrote about a few months ago..I plan on doing a comprehensive list of makeup dupes in the next few weeks for you guys as well!) Continue reading

Fit Made Easy: Fitness Life Hacks.

Hey y’all!

Does that sound a little out of the ordinary? It certainly should because this is Hayley writing to you from Project Hay! I’ve had the wonderful privilege of getting to know Taylor these past few weeks while we’ve been setting this up for you guys and, let me just tell ya, I totally know why you all love her! She has such a down-to-earth, genuine and beautiful soul and her blog is so addicting to read and easy to love! I sorta feel like I’m a guest star on some random talk show and I’m completely loving it! Anyways, I’m here today to present some of my top life hacks (that I actually use) when maintaining my health and fitness. I’m sure that it’ll be a blast and please, please make sure to check out my blog for other fitness and lifestyle-related posts. With all that being said, let’s dive in! (Read more about Hayley’s Fitness Hacks…) Continue reading

I Guess I Workout Now: Part One.

FullSizeRender.jpgI workout now.

Okay, sorry, I had to go wash my mouth out after saying that. Yeesh. I don’t workout. Well, now I do apparently, but before this week: definitely not. I don’t know how to use equipment effectively and two years ago I went to a gym and I was using a machine wrong and some guy walks up and goes “hey. you are using it wrong”, hardcore judged me and then laughed. OKAY BYE DUDE. At least help a woman out and tell me how I am supposed to be using it so I DON’T LOOK LIKE A FOOL. UGhhhghhghs. I’m clearly still salty about that. Continue reading

How To Effectively Use A Planner.

I have a tendency to over-book myself if I do not immediately write down events and assignments. And this is where my lifesaving, handy dandy notebook comes in. But seriously. i. love. planners. they regularly allow me to keep my sanity and they are the only thing that keeps me from ripping out my hair on the daily. 

I keep my homework assignments, daily to-do lists and special events in there. It is color coded, because I am a visual human being, and without it I would be lost. If you haven’t considered using one, you are living life wrong (okay, you’re not wrong but you are missing out I swear). And in my personal opinion, cellphone/ipad/computer planners just don’t cut it. I like the feeling of paper planners and I like personalizing it to fit the way my mind and schedule work. Buying a new planner is absolutely one of my favorite parts of the year. Continue reading