Instagram Beauty Trends: 2016

We all know that there are a LOT of beauty trends out there that make us raise our eyebrows and say, “but who would ever wear that???” Well, I was doing some research this past weekend on the latest beauty trends (to stay updated and all that — I have a fear of missing out on new and exciting makeup trends), and I came across a couple that looked good on the models but I just couldn’t decide if the every day woman could pull it off without getting weird looks at the grocery story.




My goal for this post was to set out and tackle 5 beauty trends of 2016 and wear them for an entire day to see if we really can pull them off. The beauty trends I chose are as follows:


Sunset Smokey Eye

Cobalt Blue Eyeliner

Ombre Lips

Red lips : bare face

Continue reading

Hairstyle Hacks: 5 Easy Styles

Picture this: you wake up tomorrow morning, and go to do your hair and it just literally won’t. Just will not. Like. You grew these hair strands yourself and they have the audacity to tell you “sorry, I’m going to take the day off”. It’s just rude.

So what do you do about it? Walk around looking like a fool? Ya right. You look at the 5 easy styles I’ve put together for you that take less than 10 minutes to do and then you walk out the door like the boss you are.  Continue reading

Makeup Tutorial: Everyday Makeup.

Hello, lovely ladies! Today I am going to be doing a “get ready with me” tutorial for you guys on my everyday makeup routine. I am going to show you the items I use, how I use them and where you can find them!

I plan on doing some more fun makeup tutorials but for now, I thought I would start with the basics. This is my go-to makeup routine and it is very easy. I’m by no means a makeup artist, but nobody who reads my blog is a makeup artist (unless, obviously, you are..then I am super jealous of you). Sometimes it can be hard to copy MUA tutorials when you don’t have all the right products and 600 brushes. I only use a handful of brushes and most of my products are easy to find or at least easy to duplicate (check out this list of mascara and eyeliner dupes here I wrote about a few months ago..I plan on doing a comprehensive list of makeup dupes in the next few weeks for you guys as well!) Continue reading

Spring Favorites: Beauty Edition

Hello, darling readers!

I feel like I should take this time to catch up with you for a moment. How have you been? It’s been entirely too long since I posted (chalk it up to being a full time student, working every day this week and planning my wedding). I have a lot of posts coming your way, though, so be prepared. If you like my outfit of the week posts, get stoked because I’ve got one of those coming to you, another fitness update (it’s a work in fitness, that is), and plenty more! I only wish I had more time in the day to do everything I want to!

BUT GETTING BACK TO THIS POST since this is why I wrote it:

Now that Valentine’s Day has wound down, it’s time to talk about what’s really exciting. SPRING!!! Spring is just about here (well I’s still snowing in Idaho but most everywhere else is springy) and that means 3 things: pastel colors, pretty flowers and my wedding. Bring it on, spring 2016. Continue reading

5 Shades of Lipstick Every Woman Can Pull Off.

Think of this blog post today as an episode of Myth Busters. The myth we are busting today? The notion that some women can’t pull off lipstick.



If you are one of those women that thinks for some reason you can’t pull off a rockin’ bold lip, I want you to think again. Just for a second, pretend that you don’t have that mindset. Stick with me until the end of this post, and if I haven’t convinced you to at least try to wear lipstick, by all means, you can leave the boldness to someone else.

Lipstick is, in my opinion, the best makeup product of all time. It completes every outfit, every makeup style…because even a “nude lip” requires some kind of lipstick or gloss to bring you to that perfect “no shade” color everyone covets.  Continue reading

What’s In My Bag: Beauty Essentials.

I am a makeup-aholic. I spend far too many hours watching makeup tutorials and pinning makeup looks to my Pinterest boards. I spend way too much money on new products and colors. I just love it. It’s like art. But on my face.


Like any beauty lover, I have my cult favorites (please ignore the Urban Decay shrine in my bathroom…move along…nothing to see here…). There are just some products that are worth the price tag because not only do they last forever (because a little product goes a long way with good brands), but they also look phenomenal. Even someone inexperienced in makeup can tell the difference. That being said, there are also certain products that truly aren’t worth spending copious amounts of money on. Their drugstore counterparts are literally just as good and you can absolutely save your money for something else a hundred times more fabulous (like good foundation. Trust me). Continue reading